Hochzeitstag am leeren Surfspot
Auch heute Mittwoch wieder bescherte uns das Mittelmeer tolle Wellen zum Wellenreiten auf Kreta. Diesmal an der Westküste.

Early Bird im Oktober in Griechenland
Grosse Feier heute in Kissamos zum Anlass des Ochi-Tags. Bevor wir uns unter die Leute mischen, surfen wir noch ein paar Wellen.

Our point break is still on - Surfing in Greece
Point break surfing in Greece. After a shift in the sand bank the ocean floor in the bay of Kissamos is shaped just the right way to create

Awesome Surfing Conditions in Greece
Today Kalo Surf surf school chose a spot close to Chania town, not too far from our home spot in Kissamos. The waves were clean and of a goo

Glassy point break surfing in Greece
Surf instructor Andy can barely withhold his enthusiasm after such a nice surf lesson in Kissamos, Crete. Sunny, epic, clean, glassy, little

Point Break in Kissamos
This particular swell direction with the combination of the local wind, made our surf spot in Kissamos the perfect point break today. We wer

October Surf Sessions in Crete
The waves are back in Kissamos beach and we are not mad about it ;) Because our participants today had different previous experiences the dr

Early morning call for our Surfers in October
Sunny days on October in Crete. Our participants were highly motivated and could not wait to get in the water to learn how to surf.

First time surfing in Crete
Ideal conditions on this sunny October Sunday in Crete to learn how to surf. Our participants booked a unique surfing experience with Kalo S

Paddling out to catch waves in Kissamos
Morning surf lesson in Kissamos in October. The sun is back out after two overcast days.