Surfing Week No 23 - Summer is here
Surfing lessons from 6 - 12 June 2022
Summer has started in Crete! Warm temperatures outside and in the sea. Long summer nights. This is June!
On Tuesday afternoon we surfed on the North coast of Crete with waves that were formed by the wind of the same morning. We started the lesson by handing out the equipment and settling on the beach for theory and safety instructions. After that we went through the first exercises on land and then implemented it in the water: Catching waves! It takes a couple of rounds to get used to the surfboard and the power of the waves. Then it is time to learn the pop-up. The girls especially had fun today, flying effortlessly into the surfing stance.
On Friday afternoon , 10 June 2022 Jutta and her son started their surfing journey with Kalo Surf. We went to the beach break of Falasarna, west of Crete, Greece. On every lesson we start with safety rules. Then our learners have the possibility to get used to the surfing board and the motion of catching waves with a variety of exercises. Surf coach Andy gives tips and improvements after each wave caught or non caught. Towards the end of the first lesson we learn a tried and tested technique for popping up on the surfboard - first on the beach and then in the water!
On Saturday, 11 June we had a really unique surfing experience. We took our group to the secret reef break of Kalo Surf surf school. There the ocean floor consists of rocks. This means that they do not shift such as a sand bank and the point where the wave breaks always stays the same. Usually a reef break surf spot is nicely organised, the waves can easily be selected and there is distance between them. In addition to the occasion of the reef break working today there were rain showers passing through, something that we do not get everyday. Sitting on a surfboard out in the ocean while the drops fall from the sky is something to remember.
On Sunday, 12 June the morning surf lesson took place once again on our beloved reefy reefy. All participants have surfed on the reef before. So they have experience in circulating, spotting the wave and where to catch it. AND being out there in the elements in general, which can be overwhelming at first. After we have checked all the former worries off of our list we can focus on what we learned and enjoy surfing. Everyone was able to put their skills into practice, to catch waves on their own and surf - all under the watchful eyes of our own Andy. A very harmonious surf lesson indeed.