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Surfing Week No 45 - November Sessions with mild temperatures in Crete

Surfing lessons from 8-14 November 2021 The so called winter months started in Crete with mild temperatures. The water temperature is still very warm and usually stays warm until after the new year. After all it is warmed up from the hot summer months and as we all know water masses take longer to cool down than the land masses. The warm body of water heats up the air just above the sea, so it is actually very pleasant to spend your time on the beach surfing.

Yesterday we had a big storm on the north of Crete that whipped up the sea creating big waves with a long period. Today, on Thursday, 11 November there seems to have been a wind corridor in the Golf of Kissamos that is why we opted for a surf spot close to Chania.

The wind was almost zero, slight offshore, the waves glassy. There was a good whitewater section and a waist to shoulder high section of green waves on the left side of the bay. We started the surf session with catching waves by pushing & jumping, practicing the pop-up and placing our feet correctly on the board. All participants learned stalling and trimming, an important step to prolong the ride and starting to actively surf the surfboard. Then they also learned the motion of the turn and paddling technique. In the second half we paddled out together and Andy registered a couple of turns performed by our participants. Well done, great progress!!!

On Friday 12 November the wind had stopped and we were left with the remaining big swell and glassy waves in Kissamos. There were several peaks on the bay. Surf coach Andy opted for the group to surf the peak in the middle of the bay while paddling out on the side for easy access. After some wave theory in the beginning of the course and the dry runs on the beach we headed in for a couple of rounds. In between we surfed some smaller easier accessible waves on the side of the bay to get more practice for the pop up and the turn. Finally we went again for the big circle until we were all surfed out.


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